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How To Make Passive Income With The Amazon Affiliate Program

Make Passive Income With Amazon Affiliate Program

Over the past couple of years I have been rather successful with the Amazon Affiliate program, it’s super easy to use and it has a great community for newbies to ask questions on the forums. If you want to get into making money online the Amazon Affiliate program is a great place to start. The basic concept is that you place on ad link on a video or at the end of a blog post, people click on it, people buy stuff and you make a commission from the sale. This commission can vary anywhere from 2%-10% depending on the item/promotion for the sale. Amazon is basically paying you for advertising and referring people to Even if someone gets to Amazon from your link and they buy a different product you will still make a commission from the sale which is pretty awesome, so the potential to make a lot of money is there for those willing to use this program to the fullest.

Some Simple Ground Rules.

Before you get your head in the clouds about getting rich quick and making a lot of money from the program I am going to explain some of the ground rules involved in ad placing.

  1. You can’t mislead people about your ads. This is the number one no no in the affiliate program and misleading ad placements will get you banned.

  2. Don’t buy things from your own ads (this will also get you banned.)

  3. You must own the content the ads are placed on.

  4. DO NOT place ads in emails!

This is pretty much all there is to it and if you avoid these 4 things you’ll be ok in terms of the Amazon Affiliate terms and conditions.

Ad Placement Strategy

Now I am not getting rich from this program but it has become a viable second income for me because I have been consistent with using it on my blogs and YouTube videos. This is my strategy and I generally place ads in my YouTube video descriptions and at the end of my blog posts for my website. This is really easy to do and it works! so grab you a domain build a website and start blogging because you can place your ads there and monetize your content easily using these steps. I will usually write a blog post about some tech items or just something that seems interesting to me and place an ad at the end of my blog post and for people generally interested in the content of the post will usually click the ad and boom you got a sale! Just think of yourself as an online salesman write about topics that you are interested/knowledgable about and you will get conversions in no time.

Build A Website

This is going to be your first step because you can’t join the Amazon Affiliate program without it. I recommend Wix because it’s easy to use and you have a pretty good looking website up and running in a day with writing a single line of HTML code. But if you’re tech savvy then you might want to just go with a wordpress website, whichever you use make sure its a paid domain so you can monetize it with ad links. I made a video on how I used Wix to build a website so you can check it out here.

You can use this link get start building a Wix website today!

^This is also an affiliate link (see how easy that was!)

No Traffic No Problem

This would be the next question about how to get conversions on the Amazon Affiliate program, If I don’t have any traffic the how am I going to sell stuff? The answer to this question is simple and you probably already have a host of people you can advertise to on your Facebook or twitter account. Every time I write a blog article I post it on my social media for instant traffic because the people who follow you will usually be interested in something you wrote about. Outside of the spectrum of social media is writing SEO friendly content and using some keywords to get you blog post to rank in the search engines. You can also make a video about the your blog post and also post an Amazon Ad link the description to the video, just make sure in the video at some point you have a call to action to visit your website. You have to have a website to get into the program so building a website is always going to be the first thing you do.

Build an Email List

Even though you can’t place ads in you emails, you can still reach out to your subscriber base in weekly emails to just let people who may have missed what you’ve been posting. This is a good strategy for keeping the people who are reading your blog interested in your content and do something special sometimes like offer a product or service to keep them coming back. The more you grow this list the better chances you will have making sales on your affiliate links. Always refer people on your list back to your website where they can see your latest blog posts/affiliate links.

Stay Consistent

This is the hardest part of the whole thing, consistently posting content everyday or every week can be difficult but as long as you do it people will see it. Never think no one is seeing my stuff and give up, because if you never show up and take the chance then how will you ever succeed. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and sometimes you just have to build things one post at a time and try not to think of all the unknowns.

Link Google Analytics To Your Website

This is a great took to measure how many visits your site is getting on a day to day basis. This is updated in realtime to you will be able to see exactly how many people are looking at your site and where they are visiting from.

In Conclusion

There is nothing ground breaking or new about any of the steps in this blog post but if you want to know more about SEO and affiliate marketing then be sure to join my email list and visit my YouTube channel. You can get to my YouTube Channel here and you can join my email list by putting your email address in the form below this blog post.

I wish you all well on your journey to make money online with the Amazon Affiliate Program and I will be posting some more strategies and tips in the near future.

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